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4 Reasons why you need to get a Dashboard Camera for your Car

A dashboard camera (dash cam) has become increasingly popular and essential over the past couple of years and Lazada Philippines offers you options that can fit your budget.

4 Reasons why you need to get a Dashboard Camera for your Car | Good Guy Gadgets
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Think of it as the GoPro of your lovely car which records every detail that takes place both on the road and inside the car. It also provides an objective eye in driving situations that are often met with confusion. Simply mount this nifty device to the dashboard/windscreen of your car and you’re all set for the road trip.

4 Reasons why you need to get a Dashboard Camera for your Car

Have a peak on its benefits and why it’s a good buy:

1) Crash for Cash

Be not afraid to be a victim of some modus operandi and protect yourself if you fall prey to these illegal money-making organizations. They try to cut in on your right of way to cause a collision and report an alleged injured passenger to extort money from you. Getting a dashboard camera could be the strongest proof to defend yourself and be acquitted from such circumstances.

2) Incident Recording

In case your car gets involved in a road accident that clearly is not your fault, this camera will be your most important witness to prove otherwise.

3) Avoid getting tickets

For a driving violation you did not commit, readily offer to open up and review your dashboard camera footage before a ticket is given.

4) Teenage Driving

Set up a regular schedule to review the dash cam footage of your kid’s driving. See what you can do to prevent him/her from getting a ticket or being involved in an accident. Best to be preventive and give them tips on what they can do better when on the road.

With the variety of dashboard cams currently out on the market at quite hefty prices, purchasing one might seem like a big spend and out of the budget. Get your hands on these devices smarter than your basic video camera, which can prove useful in sticky road situations and keep everything in check.